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Getting Started

Learn how to invite and authorize Petit Sorbet to your Discord server to start enjoying its features.



August 20, 2024

discord bot

music bot





custom playlists

turntable controls

audio effects


  1. Introduction

  2. Play and Search

  3. Lyrics

  4. Advanced Features

  5. Custom Playlists

Invite Me!

👋 Petit Sorbet (Petit Sorbet#0383)

  • Default Prefix: <


Step 1

Once you’ve decided to use the best companion on Discord, you can continue by inviting it to your favorite server!

invite discord bot

Click the Select a server button. A pop-up will appear allowing you to choose where you’d like to add Petit Sorbet.

Step 2

After selecting the server you want to add Petit Sorbet to, click the Continue button at the bottom right of the menu.

You should see a screen similar to this:

invite discord bot

Note: If you want to disable the Administrator permission from Petit Sorbet, it will not work properly! You will still be able to use basic music features, but some functionalities may not work.

Final Step

After clicking the Authorize button and completing the Captcha, you will be redirected to our thank-you page. Additionally, you should see a welcome message in your Discord server. Awesome!

Now, let’s get the party started by playing some songs

How to Play a Song

1. Join a Voice Channel.

  • You can do this by clicking on the channel with a speaker icon. invite discord bot

2. Summon Petit Sorbet into the Voice Channel

  • You can make Petit Sorbet join the Voice Channel by typing < join. invite discord bot

3. Start Your Music.

  • Use the command < play to start your music.

Note: When playing a playlist: - Make sure the playlist is either Unlisted or Public. If it is set to Private, Petit Sorbet won’t be able to play that specific playlist.

4. Set Up Request Channels

  • If you need to set up a channel for music requests, use < setup <create or delete> and choose the option you want.

Petit Sorbet is packed with features to ensure you have the most fun with your friends.

🔎 Play and Search

Petit Sorbet can play songs in your voice channel from sources like Spotify, Soundcloud, Apple Music, and many more! Check out the Frequently Asked Questions for the full list of supported sources. It can also play playlists, which are added to a queue system. We provide the top 10 search 🔎 results from Spotify when you use the searchsong command.

📃 Lyrics

When Petit Sorbet is playing a song, you can get the lyrics from Genius for the most accurate song lyrics. Host your own karaoke night with lyrics readily available! Use the lyrics command followed by a song name to manually search for lyrics.

🎙️ Advanced Features

Turntable Controls

Control the turntable with commands such as < seek, < back, < skip, and more while listening to Petit Sorbet.


Enjoy special sound effects for free! Modify and adjust playback to enhance your experience with Petit Sorbet.

Queue Management

Add songs to the queue and manage it effortlessly. Build your music queue and enjoy your tunes!

⚙️ Custom Playlists

Create and manage your own custom playlists with ease. Add your favorite songs to a saved playlist and access them anytime!

It's not difficult to create custom playlists!

Step 1: Making your playlist

  • Run the < pl-create command plus the name of the playlist you want to create along with the first song/playlist you want to add.

Step 2: Playing your custom playlist

  • Run the < pl-load command followed by the playlist you wish to load.

Optional steps:

Viewing your custom playlist

  • The < pl-view command allows you to view your available playlists as well as hone in on a specific one.

Deleting a specific song from a custom playlist

  • The < pl-remove command lets you delete a specific track number from your custom playlist. You can find the track number by running < pl-view <playlist> and then me pl-remove <song number>.

Deleting a custom playlist

  • All you have to do to delete a custom playlist is run the < pl-delete command and then enter the playlist name you would like to delete.

Ready to start listening with Petit Sorbet? It’s super easy, so let’s dive in!